
IRCC’s Access to Information Act provides all applicants to send a request for information about their immigration applications, files, procedures, timeline progress or any other issues they might be facing. This act provides Canadian citizens, permanent residents or any person (or entity) present in Canada the legal right to obtain information, in any form, that is under the control of a government institution. The general purpose of these acts is transparency and open participation.

You can send a disclosure request to IRCC under the Request to Information Act to:

  • Get information about IRCC
  • Get information about their application created by IRCC
  • Get personal information submitted by a representative, if the client is not a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada.

If you are making a request on behalf of someone else, you must include the Consent for an Access to Information and Personal Information Request form. Include this form for each individual listed on your file who is over the age of 18.

To send a request you must be a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident of Canada, or an individual or corporation currently in Canada.

The processing time for any request for information varies depending on the volume of requests made at that time.

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